The teletest 32 emulator is the most sophisticated in the Hitex product line. It offers versatility and expandability that helps the user adjust to different project environments and needs. All Hitex products including the teletest 32 use the same operating software, HiTOP, reducing the learning curve when switching from product to procudt. Most features found in other Hitex emulators are present in the teletest 32. The new AX386 is a substantial subset of this emulator. The AX386 is dedicated to the 386EX/SX/CX while the teletest 32 is capable of many more microprocessors.
The teletest 32 offers advanced non-intrusive real-time emulation of the target under test. No cycle-stealing, wait-state introduction or stopping of the CPU occurs. Asynchronous on-the-fly accesses are a standard feature and even breakpoints can be set/unset during running emulation. Interrupts can be serviced during halted emulation.
The Hitex Hardware Breakpoints stop the emulation before executing the instruction where the breakpoint is set.
The Special Function Registers of the processor are displayed in plain English rather than bit patterns or hexadecimal codes. HiTOP features the display and modification of the hidden register cache and the test registers. These registers are easily changed within HiTOP. The full display of long addresses, opcodes and mnemonics is standard.
Complicated data structures are easily followed by merely clicking on the structure's name. Structures within structures may be displayed by continuing this process. Performance Analysis and Code Coverage are available to ensure efficient code. Eight Trigger Systems are available for powerful and versatile troubleshooting.
Sophisticated filtering mechanisms for the trace function allow a smaller trace memory to be used freeing up resources for other important emulator features. See the AX386 section for details. This emulator provides up to 32 Kbytes of Trace Memory with a width of 128 bits. Trace recording using the Raw Cycles Method is still available. Benefits are the ease of finding problems areas with respect to your source code and the trace regions and trace filtering features that are made possible with this Hitex system.